Photo Family Tree not only allows you to build a family tree with photos but also compares how similarly each relative looks to one another. Want to give it a try? Here’s how:

  1. Go into someone’s Profile screen by tapping their face in the tree.
  2. Scroll down to the Similarity score section to see their face paired with every other person in the tree.
  3. Tap Reveal score on the pair whose similarity score you’d like to see
  4. The app will then begin to calculate the score - Photo Family Tree’s AI scrolls through all photos of each couple and finds the two most similar photos to calculate the similarity between them.
  5. Feel like the score isn’t accurate? Tap the Recalculate buttons to add more photos of each person. The more photos you add - especially at different angles and ages - the more accurate the score will be.


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This page was last updated in April 2021